Study of performance efficacy of Serampore Water Treatment Plant, West Bengal

Sayantika Saha ;

The performance efficacy study was undertaken at individual unit of 20 MGD Serampore Water Treatment Plant, West Bengal. Water samples were collected at different stages of treatment units once in a week during study period and analyzed for the major water quality parameters such as pH, turbidity, total dissolved solid, residual chlorine, total hardness, carbonate hardness, magnesium hardness, iron, nitrate, sulphate, total coliform, fecal coliform. Samples from selective points of distribution mains and consumer’s end were also collected to assess the quality of supply water. Based on the analysis for physico-chemical parameters, the finished water was conforming to Indian standard for drinking water (IS: 10500,2012) prescribed by APHA guideline in the study period. Result revealed that turbidity removal of clarified water ranging between 81% and 90% have been found. Similarly total coliform and fecal coliform were determined by membrane filter technique. Residual chlorine having 0.2 mg/l was found at the end stage so no bacteria was observed considering post disinfection has been made properly in the treatment system. This research work concludes turbidity values were found satisfactory at different stages except residual chlorine at few points in the distribution system were found less than 0.2 mg/l. Thus, it is concluded that proper disinfection needs to be done including backwashing of rapid sand filter at regular interval.

05 Mar. 2022